How to deploy a Python app on a VPS - Part III

How to deploy a Python app on a VPS - Part III

December 18, 2024

Image created by Midjourney

In my last post I went over setting up a self-hosted GitHub Actions runner and Docker. Now it's time to write some Dockerfiles and YAMLs. If you already know how to wirte Dockerfiles for your app, feel free to skip this section

What is a Dockerfile?

Dockerfile is how you tell the Docker daemon how you want to containerize you application. It's basically a blueprint for the Docker image you're gonna create. This is not a Docker tutorial, so I'm not gonna get into the weeds of what Docker really is, but all you need to remeber is the following diagram

Dockerfile builds Docker Image Container 1 Container 2 Container 3

The Dockerfile is what creates a Docker image, and from the Docker image you can create as many containers as you want. It's this "container" that runs your Flask/Django/Rails server.

Writing a Dockerfile

I'm gonna be writing a Dockerfile for a Flask app, so this may not apply to you 100%, but you'll get the general idea. Here's the Dockerfile I use for this site

FROM python:3.12-slim

RUN apt update

RUN apt install -y \
    lsb-release \
    traceroute \
    wget \
    curl \
    iputils-ping \
    bridge-utils \
    dnsutils \
    netcat-openbsd \
    jq \
    redis \
    nmap \
    net-tools \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

WORKDIR /usr/bin/portfolio

COPY . .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

RUN curl -fsSL -o
RUN bash
RUN apt install -y nodejs

RUN npm i



Think of it as a list of instructions if you were to create a VM from scratch. Let's go over it line by line

Declare the base image


FROM python:3.12-slim

This tells Docker the "base image" you want to use to build your custom Docker image off of. Docker images are made of layers that can be stacked on top of each other. There are a lot of images available on DockerHub that you can use to build your image off of. I'm using python:3.12-slim which is a Debian image that comes with Python and pip installed. If you're using Rails or Node.js, you'll probably use base images for Ruby or Node.

Install network utils (optional)

RUN apt update

RUN apt install -y \
    lsb-release \
    traceroute \
    wget \
    curl \
    iputils-ping \
    bridge-utils \
    dnsutils \
    netcat-openbsd \
    jq \
    redis \
    nmap \
    net-tools \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

The first line here just makes sure your linux repositories are up to date. The second line is what installs some critical system packages. Now, you don't NEED to install all of these. Most of these are network utilities that I find useful when I'm troubleshooting network connectivity issues with Docker. If you're planning on deploying only an app container that talks to external managed services like Postgres, Redis etc then you probably don't need to do this. However, if you're like me and want to run their own self-hosted versions of Postgres and Redis, you absolutely need to do this in my opinion.

Set the working directory


WORKDIR /usr/bin/portfolio

COPY . .

The first line here is what sets the working directory in your container. It's the default path in your container. Like if you shell into your conatiner, this is the directory you'll be dropped in

The second line, the COPY command copies the app files from your local machine to your container's working directory.

Install app dependencies


RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

This step installs the depedencies needed to run your application. Note how this step comes AFTER the WORKDIR and COPY commands. This is specific to Python, but you can generalize this to Rails or Node.js apps.

Install extra packages (optional)

RUN curl -fsSL -o
RUN bash
RUN apt install -y nodejs

RUN npm i

This is another optional step, but one I think is worth going over. Since I'm deploying a Python(Flask) app, I'm building my image off of a Python base image. Now, I also need to use tools like npm to run tailwind commands. The base image doesn't come with Node.js installed, but since it's like any other Linux image, I can run regular Linux commands to install whatever package I want. This step install Node.js in the container so I can run npm commands in my container

Run the app server


This is a very important step. The EXPOSE command tells Docker which TCP/IP port in your container you want to expose to outside traffic. This would be the port number you want to run your application on. For example, I typically run my apps on port 9000
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=9000, debug=True)


Yes, I know, I should not be using the Flask dev server in production blah blah blah (Don't worry I'm not). Anyway, the point is, you need to explicitly tell Docker which ports you plan on exposing to the world. This EXPOSE command will become clearer later but keep the number 9000 in the back of your head for now.

The last step, ENTRYPOINT is the step that actually "runs" your app. The arguments to this command is read as a JSON array so make sure you use double quotes. It's not uncommon to see explicit commands to ENTRYPOINT in the wild, but I prefer to write a seperate bash script and just reference that in the Dockerfile. Here's what my looks like

#!/usr/bin/env bash

npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./static/output.css

CONCURRENCY=$(expr 2 \* $(nproc) + 1)
gunicorn -w  $CONCURRENCY \
    --worker-class=gevent \
    --worker-connections=100 \
    --timeout 120 \
    --log-level=debug \
    --threads=$CONCURRENCY \
    --bind \

There's a lot going on here. I'll probably do a tutorial on how to productionize a Python app in the future, but for now, just understand that we're using a production-ready app server called gunicorn to run our Flask app in our VPS and creating our final CSS file with Tailwind. The benefit of writing an entrypoint file like this is you get to make your start command as sophisticated as you want and keep your Dockerfile clean. If you're using a database, this is the file where your migration commands would go.Gunicorn gives you a lot of things to configure, but the important parts here are the --bind and app:app

Gunicorn takes the app instance from and runs it on port 9000 of the container (remember the EXPOSE command?)

Next steps

The next step is to write a YAML file for Github, but since this tutorial is already so long I'll go over that in the next article